Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Macbook lacks DV capture through firewire.

The 2009 Macbook is ready to come preinstalled with Final Cut Express, but you'll never be able to edit your home movies if you have a DV camcorder that uses firewire (or i.LINK) to get the video off. You have to buy a camcorder that transfers video through USB. Apple invented firewire and now they're giving up on it with their simplest notebook. The Macbook simply does not offer an option for capturing video through IEEE 1394. So if you  want to have any hope of turing little Billy's birthday party into a pretty iMovie project, too bad.

I just got off the phone with Steve Job's grandma or something because thats who it sounded like I was talking to with their technical support. She tried to tell me I could connect the camcorder through the ethernet port. Unbelieveable!! So much for Genius Bar.

Maybe its my fault for not buying new devices every year, but I'm not going to scrap my old, completely working, camcorder just to meet Apple's peripheral preferences. I really wish that they kept the PC card or a Express Card/54. And I'm certainly not going to fork over the extra $371 to be able to do something that my 7 year old T23 Thinkpad can do with a PC card.

It is Apple's expectation to conform to their set standards that has always prevented me from embracing them for their ingenuity. Their innovation and forward thinking is something to be admired but also, frustratingly, to be admonished. This is because they will always leave their old, even the most loyal, costumers in the dust. This is about as bad as them going glossy with their screens.

Here's the link that was given to me:http://store.apple.com/us_edu_18286/browse/home/shop_mac/family/macbook?cjid=10492644-1225267-u0t0f0fp28764c0s598&mco=MTAyNTQzMzg&AID=10479833&PID=1225267&SID=u0t0f0fp28764c0s598

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